Sunday, February 22, 2009

140+ Wordpress Themes

Nowadays, its nearly impossible for me to come up with blog posts. Well I dont blame myself because I am chocked up with business, a lot of projects and programming to handle.
Today, I stumbled upon this article posted on twitter by White African and I decided to blog about it.
Some how with this post, whenever I need to see the article and the blog themes I will search my blog and find it(blog bookmarking :D ).
Well check out the link below, it contains 140+ wordpress blog themes and if you need inspiration for your next design or you simply want to run your own blog like Bill , go there and download the one you like for free.

Monday, February 16, 2009

40+ Useful & Handy Web Designer’s Web Services & Tools

Today I stumbled upon this link from a Nigerian friend and Entrepreneur - Tim Akinbo. Its a blog post he found and shared with me on facebook. The blog post is an amazing list of web tools that will help me and my team (AfroVisioN) rapidly design websites at 50,000FCFA and also track our websites availability online. These tools will also help us come up with Rapid Web Applications for our clients world wide. AfroVisioN needs to research on many ways to improve productivity and tools like this will push our productivity to another level ;)
check the link out