I was at Barcamp Cameroon 2010, where my company www.afrovisiongroup.com was privileged to be one of the sponsors and I went there to present my new project www.camerborn.com.

I was there along side Nara Njie Litumbe (software developer at AfroVisioN Group), check out his blog post about his participation http://njielitumbe.livejournal.com/1032.html which was to represent AfroVisioN Group and tell the Cameroonian tech community about Model View Controller( MVC ) and its benefits.
I had a presentation about Camerborn.com - Show ya sef...and its future innovations into the Cameroonian tech space.
here are some pictures we took at the event, enjoy

you can view all the pictures on a facebook album here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=185212&id=517433359&l=1afff88aeb
Check out Nara's Barcamp Presentation on Model View Controller (MVC) and its use in web, mobile and enterprise software development.
MVC(Model View Controller),Web,Enterprise,Mobile
View more presentations from naral.