Sunday, August 17, 2008

Active Records VS Traditional SQL For Fast Web Development

Active records is a new way of querying a relational database without hand coding or thinking about the sql yourself.

Now let me explain with an example:

if I want to get everything in a table of users I will code it like this with php and normal sql:

//construct the sql
$sql="select * from users order by dateregistered desc";
//execute the query ingnoring the errors
/// now fetch
echo "username: ".$record['name']."

Thats realy boring imagine handling all the errors everytime you perform a query. I can't remember the last time I wrote codes like that. Imagine coding a solution as big as twitter and u have to write such codes.

Now lets do it with active records

//instantiate the active records database class
$db=new activeRecordsDB(array('host'=>'localhost','username'=>'root','password=>'passwod'));
//order the query by date registered
//execute the query
//loop through the records
foreach($records->result() as $user){
echo "name: ". $user->name;

This is how you add WHERE, LIKE condition statements using active records

/instantiate the active records database class
$db=new activeRecordsDB(array('host'=>'localhost','username'=>'root','password=>'passwod'));

//add a where clause
//or add a like clause

//order the query by date registered
//execute the query
//loop through the records
foreach($records->result() as $user){
echo "name: ". $user->name;

With active records we have more readable codes and easy to understand and work on with other developers in a team. Nowadays I work with projects with guys in different geographical locations, with active records our codes are easy to comprehend.
There are more advanced implementations of active records in Java, .NET, PHP , ruby on rails , etc. but what i wrote here is just an understanding of how active records makes web development very very fast and smooth.
Active records information can be read from wikipedia following this link

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